What Is Hamas, What Is Happening In Israel and Gaza Strip

Hamas, a Palestinian Islamist militant organization, governs Gaza and is committed to Israel's destruction. Since its 2007 takeover, it has engaged in multiple conflicts with Israel.

What Is Hamas?

Who Are Its Allies and Supporters?

Hamas forms alliances with Middle Eastern nations like Syria, Hezbollah in Lebanon, and strong support from Iran, which opposes U.S. and Israeli policies. Iran provides weapons, tech, and training for advanced rockets aimed at Israeli territory.

What is the Gaza Strip?

The Gaza Strip, a small area measuring 41km by 10km, lies between Israel, Egypt, and the Mediterranean Sea. It's densely populated with around 2.3 million residents. 

Who Governs The Gaza Strip?

Hamas, led by Ismail Haniyeh, a Palestinian nationalist group, has clashed with West Bank leaders who negotiated the Oslo Peace Accords. After winning the 2006 elections, it assumed control of Gaza, where no elections have occurred since.

Who Lives In The Gaza Strip?

Gaza Strip inhabitants, primarily Palestinians, encompass original residents and refugees from Israel's 1948 founding and ensuing conflicts. Many reside in the north, especially Gaza City, and the population skews young, with nearly 40% under 15.

What is Palestine?

The West Bank, Gaza, East Jerusalem, and Israel collectively make up the Palestinian territories. Historically, these lands were referred to as Palestine and were significant in Jewish history as their ancient homeland.

What Is The Gaza Strip Blockade?

Israel has regarded Gaza as "enemy territory" since Hamas took power in 2007, maintaining strict control over land, sea, and air access. Periodic conflicts with Hamas have occurred in 2008-09, 2012, 2014, and 2021.